Iced Raspberry Hibiscus tea 

This Iced Raspberry Hibiscus tea is a healthy and very refreshing summer drink. It is made with tea bags and has tons of healthy benefits.

Iced Raspberry Hibiscus tea 

You may have first heard of iced raspberry hibiscus tea from the oh so popular Starbucks commercials.

I tried that recipe too! And that is what had me seek out a way to make this recipe at home for less.

And let me tell you, I am saving a ton of cash doing it this way also.

I know know why the Hawaiian people love there Hibiscus tea so much, this flower is so very special. And full of health benefits!

To make this drink you will want to start by brewing some hibiscus tea, then simply set it aside to cool down and do it’s magic.

Traditionally hibiscus tea is sweetened with agave nectar or honey and though both those options are great. 

However ,today I’m sweetening mine with “white cranberry juice”, which I highly recommend you try.

I absolutely love this tea!

Packed full of Vitamin C hibiscus tea is a smart tea to be sipping on.

Want to learn more about the health benefits of this refreshing tea? Be sure to check the following link out below.

This recipe will make ruffly 2 liters of hibiscus iced tea. And a bit more if you add the “white cranberry juice” enough to share with a few people or enjoy yourself throughout the day.

I like to use Ocean Spray “White Cranberry” Juice to sweeten it up

Awww that is refreshing!

Note: Double this recipe up and store it in a container in your fridge to last throughout the week.

Check out all the Healthy” benefits of hibiscus tea” here.

I am so thrilled you are reading one of my recipes, if you made this recipe i’d love to hear about it! Thank you very much for reading and until next time see ya in the kitchen. Don’t want to miss a recipe? Sign up for our NEWSLETTER delivered right to your inbox!

Dandelion Iced Tea

It’s dandelion season again and that means my fridge is stocked UP with homemade Dandelion Iced Tea 🙂

And I could not be more happier for spring, besides the allergy part “sniffle sniffle”.

It means a big old goodbye to those long cold DARK winter days and hello to warmth and sunshine and the bees! Oh how I love the bees!!

I used to buy dandelion tea at the store for it’s healthy benefits of course. And now I make it myself at home.

Why not it’s free! And takes little to no effort at all.

The only difference from making fresh dandelion tea to that which come from a tea bag is actually having to go outside and forge some in the lovely warm weather. What a shame, eh!

I truly believe more people would do this too if they knew how health this iced tea/tea was. 

But really it’s no secret, dandelions have been known as a Superfood by the herbalists community for some time now.

And people have been using them in all sorts of recipes all the way across Europe since the early millennium.

Did you know that dandelions are actually considered plants and are one of the top 4 most nutritious greens on the planet! Yes, “ON THE PLANET”!! And have been proven to be a lifeforce for the Bees, beetles and birds.

Actually if it wasn’t for the bee’s we would not have that natural honey or rather any natural food.

For they pollinate almost everything we natural that we eat today! Without the bee’s there is no us! So knowing all that would we still kill the dandelions?

Dandelions are a superfood and should be treated as such. Because they has the ability to detox the liver, skin and stomach and help you lose weight all at the same time.

Not only can the yellow parts be used to make many things such as this tea. The green stems and leaves can be chopped up and used to make salad or placed in a stir-fry and are known to have more vitamins A, C, K, Omega 6, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium than spinach. So if your a green shake lover then why not try dandelion greens the next time!

Picture Source: Forging for Food

See how the Dandelions float to the top of the Glass pitcher? Some will sink over the next few days but not enough to plug the spout. So leave them in there because the longer they soak the more nutrients you get.

Preventing Cancer and Fighting Free Radicals all Summer Long!

I will make this ice tea all summer long and do so by forging in my yard which is always full of dandelions. Of course I will give them a long good rinsing before making any tea, I do have dogs here.

However if you don’t have a large yard then it’s best to find a place where you are sure there has been no pesticides sprayed.


Check out more health benefits here:Dandelions” 

Save the planet leave the Dandelions pesticide freeLet dandelions grow. Bees, beetles and birds need them

If you think saving the Dandelions are important too.  

Feel free to share my Quote!


I’m so thrilled you are reading one of my recipes, if you made this recipe i’d love to hear about it! Thank you very much for reading and until next time see ya in the kitchen. Don’t want to miss a recipe? Sign up for our NEWSLETTER delivered right to your inbox!

Healthy Hibiscus Popsicles

These Healthy Hibiscus Popsicles will cool you down on a hot summer’s day and are super healthy for you too

Made with two simple ingredients of hibiscus tea, and agave nectar.

Whenever I brew a batch of hibiscus tea, I get such a sense of satisfaction watching my brew go from clear white to a deep dark purple red color.

It’s just so very beautiful to see, and knowing it’s a natural process is even that more exciting!

I never eat those store bought popsicles that are filled with sugar and other unnatural things, which are incredibly unhealthy. 

I always have this tea in stock during the summer months, as I like to make drink this tea often and make these popsicles when it cools down.

A Healthy Summer Treat, to cool you down and satisfy that sweet tooth.

The health benefits of hibiscus tea, also known as Agua de Jamaica, include its ability to treat high blood pressure.

High cholesterol, disturbed digestive and immune system and inflammatory problems as well.

It also can help cure liver diseases and reduces the risk of cancer. It can also speed up the metabolism and help in healthy, gradual weight loss.

It is rich in vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants and helps in the treatment of hypertension and anxiety”.

Check out more benefits of Hibiscus tea here.

Note: You can add a fruit juice of your liking in replace of agave nectar if you’d like.


I am so thrilled you are reading one of my recipes, if you made this recipe i’d love to hear about it! Thank you very much for reading and until next time see ya in the kitchen. Don’t want to miss a recipe? Sign up for our NEWSLETTER delivered right to your inbox!