Tag Archives: detox

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

 March – detox, cleanse, and new beginnings.

It’s March first, and tonight we will see a full moon = worm moon. Which signifies the start of Spring, which has me thinking about spring cleaning and fresh starts. It’s a time to flush things out of your system as a lunar cycle completes itself. Hopefully most of those nasty things such as the cold and flu have passed us now, and we can focus on not only cleaning house but also cleaning and rebooting our systems. The spring equinox is on March 20th 2018 and so I will be dedicating the whole month of March to detoxifying and doing an internal spring cleaning. I hope you will join me!


This full moon = worm moon gets it name from Native Americans. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, around this time the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds and the start of spring makes way 🙂


Spring is right around the corner and it’s time to clean out the winter gunk and reboot our systems the healthy way. I will be creating and sharing 3x times per week during the month of MARCH whole food recipes. By removing all high fat, high sugar, high salt meals and removing all processed foods and replacing them with solely whole and plant based ingredients.


My food philosophy most my life has been everything in moderation, with a strong emphasis on real food, by eating less processed foods. With that being said I also like to balance that with eating a vegetarian diet at least 3 times a week and doing a full body detox four times a year from anywhere from 3-7 days.  If you can’t handle four per year, you can do at least two in the fall and spring. Detoxing gives the body a chance to naturally detox itself without causing harm.




Natural Detoxifying helps many people to lose weight and feel more energized and refreshed.  By removing high fat, high sugar, high salt, and processed foods from our diets we can cleanse our bodies the healthy way. And to help with that, I will be sharing 3x recipes each week throughout the month of March that will aide in this process.


By doing this, you really don’t have to worry about starving yourself rather you just have to focus on cleaning unhealthy types of foods from your system. 


Today, March 1st. I’m sharing my Roasted Garlic recipe, this natural food not only wards of vampires, it also has super strong natural antibiotics that can kill most infections if used properly. So why not bake up a batch and eat this over the first week of march.




Next recipe is for this AMAZINGLY Healthy Clear Broth Soup, that is sure to start your detox month off just right! Stay tuned for more recipes to be come.

Bok Choy Chicken Garlic (Flu-Fighter) Soup


Wishing you a month of peace, restoration and new beginnings! 


Are you feeling motivated? I hope you will join me 🙂


You can find me on PinterestFacebook, Instagram where I will be sharing more healthy recipes for the month of March to help with your Spring detox.