Bunny Chow

Spicy lamb Bunny Chow originated in South Africa, in Durmas area. And then spread throughout the region from there. Today it is served in many European Restaurants and in many homes of “Afrikaans” as a staple food. And I see why, it is absolutely delicious! 

What is Bunny Chow anyway? Well it’s a curry that is traditionally made with Lamb or Mutton or just Vegetables and then it is put inside a loaf of bread for serving.

History tells the tale of some Indian sugar plantation workers that started to take this food to work daily in a loaf of bread with (no plate) and from there it just took off as one of South Africans famous foods.

Today this recipe has become a hit in Europe and beyond. I prefer to make this recipe and then place it into “Crusty Bread” as opposed to the traditional “Bunny Bread” which is a plain soft white bread.

Of course this is my personally preferences, you can choose to prepare it either way! And do not be afraid to eat this one with your hands either, that is how it’s done.


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Durban Mutton Curry

Are you a curry lover like me? If so then this Durban Mutton is sure to knock your socks off it’s that good. 

Durban Curry hails from a city inside South Africa, originally it was said that the East Indians where the ones to bring it over and the story goes that they were seen eating it often while on the work sites. 



I am so thrilled you are reading one of my recipes, if you made this recipe id love to hear about it! You can post a review, picture below or via Instagram and let me know how it turned out. And by doing so you will be automatically entered into our seasonal CONTEST to win one of our great prizes. Winner will be notified via email within a week after the contest closes. Thank you very much for reading and until next time see ya in the kitchen. Don’t want to miss a recipe? Sign up for our NEWSLETTER delivered right to your inbox!