Green Pork Chili (Chili Verde)

This simple yet Authentic Green Pork Chili is made with pork shoulder or loin and is slow cooked in a green Chile sauce. 

Serve with warm flour or corn tortillas or over a bed of rice if desired. 

I like to make it even when cooking for just a few, because it stores well as leftovers. However if you want to make the salsa verde from scratch, here is a great recipe for “salsa verde“. 

I recommend using a premade Tomatillo salsa, it will save you a ton of time.

As opposite to cooking the salsa from scratch.


  • This dish can be done in your pressure cooker, slow cooker or on the stove top.
  • Today I am using the stove top method, since I will be in the kitchen most the day. However if your in a hurry, do it in the pressure cooker and then you can have this on the table in under one hour. 

If you like Mexican food or have never even tried it before then this recipe is a must try because it is amazing! 

Whenever me and my partner go down to the States, we like to stop at our favorite local Mexican restaurants and enjoy this exact dish.

It is best serve over a bed of rice or for a more traditional meal, serve it alongside some warm tortillas. 

Buen provecho!

Now there is defiantly a process to making authentic chile verde and that starts with roasting tomatillos, along with garlic, jalapenos and onions in the oven.

However this recipe is going to make all that so easy for you, because we are using a pre -made sauce. What are Tomatillos you ask? 

Well they are little green looking tomatoes, known as the Mexican husk tomato, but they are hard to find here in Canada.

We even send Bubba out to  locate these rare tomatillos for this recipe, but he failed to come back with any local ones. 

Rather he did come back with a bottle of “Tomatillo Salsa” which has the tomatillos in it.

Along with the cooked jalapenos, onions and garlic that are needing in this recipe.

So we encourage you to use this pre-made salsa in the dish too, which tastes just the same and will also save you allot of time in the kitchen. 

If your cooking for a large crowd keep this recipe in mind, it’s not only easy to prepare it’s also inexpensive and goes long ways. 

Do you LOVE Mexican food as much as we do? Then you will want to try the best


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